Get Out The Vote 2024

Sustained community engagement is critical for increasing Democratic voter turnout in November 2024. This is why we are donating to grassroots organizations who are mobilizing voters year-round in key swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Learn more below!

Advance Carolina

Advance North Carolina (“Advance Carolina”) is a Black-led organization that builds political and economic power in Black communities and institutions in North Carolina, getting voters involved in inclusive, ground-up political and societal solutions.

Black Male Initiative Georgia (BMI)

The Black Male Initiative Georgia (BMI) works to create effective outcomes for communities by empowering Black men economically and civically through the use of direct action, advocacy, and grassroots organizing

Black Leaders Organizing Communities (BLOC)

Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) centers underrepresented Black voices in Wisconsin to ensure a high quality of life and access to opportunities for members of the Black community. BLOC is the only Black-led political organization in Wisconsin, and its year-round field program is critical for building trust and engaging Black voters in election years.

Detroit Action

Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiter fighting for housing and economic justice. The organization is a grassroots and member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power.

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) organizes working-class people of color to take action on the issues most important to them and to advance social and economic justice for all.

Make the Road Action Nevada (MRA-NV)

Make the Road Action Nevada (MRA-NV) builds power in Latinx and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice for all. MRA-NV focuses its engagement on issues that are most salient to its members, including pathways to citizenship, voter protections, and housing insecurity, and helps enlist voters to use their power at the ballot box.

One Pennsylvania (One PA)

One Pennsylvania (One PA) is a multiracial, intergenerational, and multi-issue statewide membership organization, with a focus on Black working families. Its members are workers, students, parents, seniors, people with disabilities, and retirees who learn, collaborate, and build power together.

The Freedom Bloc

The Freedom Black Led Organizing Collaborative builds Black political power in Ohio and equips the Black community with capacity-building tools on civic education, civic engagement, campaign management, and leadership development that will ignite and foster greater electoral turnout in historic smaller urban centers in Northeast Ohio (Youngstown, Toledo and Akron) and surrounding rural areas.